What classes are best for a beginner?

We have many beginner friendly options, but ultimately, we really pride ourselves on being student-led. Most of our classes are suitable whether you’ve never done yoga before or you’re looking to slow things down. If you have an active lifestyle, any class would be a great fit. If you’re looking to slow things down, look for the words: basic, gentle, slower flow. Contact us for questions or to assist you in finding the perfect fit!

How many classes can I take? How much practice until it’s beneficial?

Great question! You can take as many classes as you’d like. Movement of any kind is fantastic for the body. Some yogis practice every single day. Just be sure to listen to your bodies’ needs and practice as it feels good for you.

What yoga mat do you recommend?

Yoga mats are truly a personal preference. Some people like a thicker mat for support/comfort while others prefer one that has more grip. The studio has a few extra mats of varying brands and thickness. Any mat will work! As you continue to explore your practice, your preference in yoga mats might change!

How can I bring the studio headspace home?

Yoga can literally be practiced anywhere. Sometimes it’s difficult to create a peaceful environment in the home, especially if you have animals, kids, partners, roommates, etc. I always encourage students to utilize movement throughout their daily lives whether it be a few seated cat/cow poses in the office chair or even a half sun salutation before bed. Due to Covid-19, there are many yoga teachings available virtually. I recommend “Yoga with Allie Van Fossen” via YouTube or even downloading the app “Downdog” to utilize a practice from home.

What do I bring with me? What do I wear?

You can bring your own yoga mat if you have one, or use one from the studio. Bring a water bottle if you’d like! Dress in something comfortable that allows you to move. Consider ditching the socks so that the bare feet can really root down and help with balance, strength, and flexibility!