Preparation to Execution

In this moment, no words of my own encapsulate the humbled, healing feelings I hold within my heart in this very moment. I merely come to you today to share an excerpt written by Corina Luna Dea as a call to action in Archaeology for the Woman’s Soul. I invite you, today, to open your own heart to these words and breathe it in. And always remember, you are loved. You are kind. You are valued. You are desired. You belong. You are worthy. Thank you for entrusting me with your bodies, your minds, your breath. Thank you for allowing me to spread my life’s work throughout the community and not only teach, but continually learn from an incredible group of individuals.


Soul Deep Woman,

You have been kneeling over your sacred site - your life - for a while now. You dug deep into your memories and excavated the moments that made you who you are. All of it. The good, bad and the ugly. Because all of it is raw material for your life’s work. Your "sacred soul work" that only you can share with the world.

Your hands cleared the emotional sediment settled on your heart. You cleared the cast spells, the ancient dogma set upon the feminine consciousness, already setting in motion the making of a new world; in the image of love, kindness and compassion, peace and patience, acceptance and integration - of all that has the hallmark of nobility on it. In the image of the soul deep woman - a visionary, a map maker of the new world, a wayshower of new perspectives that heal and liberate humanity from old stories that do not represent the embodiment of sovereignty the feminine consciousness is called to unleash upon the four corners of the world.

The fertile layers of your soul are now brought to the surface of your present existence. The gardener of your soul prepared the landscape of your inner world to offer the blossoms of your wisdom. The soil has been tilled. Your truth is now revealed. Seeds sown in the fertile ground of your heart created a garden of hope for the world.

Nothing is hidden now. You might feel vulnerable to be exposed to the world, a world that does not feel safe to sensitive and awakened souls. This is the time to be surrounded by other deep soul sisters who join in your vision and mission. You cannot do this alone. Gather your support system. Eat healthy and stay strong mentally, physically and spiritually.

I know you so well, soul deep woman. You cannot hold back. Inside of you the fire of contribution burns hot. If you don’t speak your truth, it will burn you alive from the inside out. Combustion is not an option. You have confidence in your voice. Your truth is not up for debate. Your convictions pave the way to stand in your power as the holy keeper of wisdom you are.

The preparation is complete. With elegance and grace, like a river flowing, winding and free, your wisdom washes off shores of burdened hearts waiting for your holy medicine. You can no longer wait. Even if it feels that you are not ready. Even if doubt still flows in the crevices of your heart. Even if naysayers still show their true colors, you must find the courage to say, “I am ready.”

And you are! Look how far you've come. Remember the day when you awakened from the old story? Compare yourself not with others, but only to your own self. Acknowledge your path and the challenges you learned to overcome. Because you are brilliant. You were born with the gift of giving. Who can take it from you?

Remember your bleeding wounds? Now look at your scars and know that you have healed. These scars tell the story of your becoming. Your job now is to translate the scars into scaffolds and frameworks that others can build upon to climb out of their own trenches. The crucible of your becoming is ready to reveal the teaching of your life’s lessons. It was not all in vain - the trials, the tribulations, the descending into your dark night of the soul.

With reverence, bow to your remembering and lift the veil that made you forget until now who you are. You were always the healer that you are... The nurturer. The teacher. The lover of souls. You just could not see it.

It took time. It took time to heal the subconscious thoughts buried deep in your cellular memory. It took time to align your thoughts and feelings with your vision. It took time to break free of labels and conditioning imposed on you and your ancestors. And know that as you set yourself free and manifest your heart’s desire to be a service, you help heal all your ancestors that suffered under knees of persecution.

You are strong, soul sister. The preparation time has ended. This is the time for execution. Get out your soul map and show the world how it is done!

You got this!


Thank you…. forever and always!

“Your existence is evidence that this generation needs something that your life contains…”

Myles Munroe


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